March 30, 2014 – NEWARK, NJ – On Friday, April 4, a half-day convention, WORKPLACE BULLYING: SEEKING SOLUTIONS, at Rutgers School of Law-Newark brings together legal experts for both business interests and employees, labor leaders, business consultants and others deeply committed to preventing abusive workplaces in order to talk frankly and share best practices.
NJ State Senator Linda Greenstein, sponsor of the Healthy Workplace Act S280.
Catherine Mattice, MA, SPHR, is the President of Civility Partners, and author of BACK OFF! Your Kick-Ass Guide to Ending Bullying at Work.
Kevin Costello, Esq. concentrates his state-wide employment rights, school harassment rights and civil rights practice exclusively on behalf of working people of all economic strata and their families.
Gail Richardson, MSW, is the Executive Vice President of CWA Local 1036. Richardson worked with members to form a support group to deal with the emotional and psychological aspects of having been bullied
Debra Davis is a Staff Representative with the Council of New Jersey College Locals, AFT, AFL-CIO. She has developed a workshop for members on bullying in the workplace and spends a great deal of her time mediating disputes and conflicts in the workplace outside the formal grievance process.
Andrew Kinsey, Esq., a partner at Florio Perrucci Steinhardt & Fader LLC, will speak on why it is unnecessary to have anti-workplace bullying legislation and how businesses can best handle such issues.
Linda G. Harvey, Esq., a partner in the Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Departments of Greenberg Dauber Epstein & Tucker, PC located in Newark, NJ, will address how to avoid a culture of workplace bullying.
Lauren Larkin is a life long resident of Ridgefield and was appointed to Ridgefield’s Anti-Bullying Committee. A local Ridgefield ordinance was passed to create a “Bully Free Zone.”
John D. Kovac, Esq., from New Brunswick, NJ will speak on the pros and cons of prosecuting workplace bullying through the Workers’ Compensation Court.
For more information on NWBC or the convention program visit:
WHEN: Friday, April 4th, 2014 Noon to 5pm, Registration is required.
WHERE: Rutgers School of Law-Newark 123 Washington Street Newark, NJ 07102
CONTACT: Convention Co-Chair Beverly Peterson, (908)